Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Tonight Show's Jay Leno test-drives Michigan-made Deronda Type G racecar

For Immediate Release


Karin Risko, Crystal Bay Communications

The Tonight Show’s Jay Leno test-drives Michigan-made Deronda Type G racecar

Trenton, Michigan automotive manufacturer gets surprise phone call from late night television host and car enthusiast

Trenton, MI--February 17, 2009--Fielding phone calls from celebrities isn’t how David Moxlow, president of Trenton Forging and Deronda USA, typically spends his workdays. A recent Thursday was an exception, however, when Jay Leno phoned him to talk cars.

The popular host of The Tonight Show, a well-known auto aficionado, wanted information on the Deronda Type G, a street-legal, track-day racecar that Moxlow manufactures at his Trenton, Michigan facility in conjunction with Illinois-based Sirius Motorsports.

“We talked about the car, its performance, how our company got started, etc.,” said Moxlow.

Moxlow mentioned to Leno that he had tried to contact him last New Year’s Eve when the comedian had a scheduled appearance in nearby Windsor, Ontario. Moxlow wanted to invite Leno over to test-drive the car.

Although they didn’t connect then, Leno expressed interest in driving the Deronda during the phone call so Moxlow arranged for his shop foreman to transport the car from Michigan to Burbank, California. Burbank is home to Leno’s famous “Big Dog Garage,” a 17,000 square foot facility that houses his vast collection of cars spanning a 100 years of automotive history.

An experienced auto mechanic and driver, Leno got behind the wheel of the Deronda and tested the racecar’s performance on the streets of Burbank. He took full advantage of the car’s swift zero to 60 in under four seconds acceleration and demonstrated its agility and strength on turns.

He liked the car said Chris Trapp, Deronda USA shop foreman, who rode shotgun with Leno. “He said the car handled well, had plenty of power and the ride was really smooth.”

Leno will share more details on the Deronda in a forthcoming video that will appear shortly on his website: www.jaylenosgarage.com

For Trapp, it was a memorable experience to drive around southern California with an icon like Leno. While Trapp remains mum about details concerning speed, he shared a few anecdotes that further exemplify Jay Leno’s renowned reputation as an “ordinary guy.”

“We drove to a local gas station and everyone that worked there knew him.”

While Leno fueled up the car and showed it off to the staff, Trapp noticed the other people at the pumps “drooling” over the car.

Moxlow and the entire Deronda USA crew are excited by the opportunity to bring a little Hollywood to Trenton, Michigan and talk shop with Jay Leno. They welcome the high-profile exposure his interest brings to their car.

“He is a great "car guy" and really down to earth,” said Moxlow. “ I’ll be going to Burbank to meet Jay myself and pick the car up in the next few weeks.”
