Have you used social networking sites to successfully boost your business? If so, I'd like to interview you for an article in my upcoming eZine. Questions are listed below. Just email me the answers. Disclaimer: By answering, you're granting permission to quote you in my article.
Have social network sites such as Linkedin, Facebook, etc. been a benefit to your business? If so, how?
Has your participation with these sites landed you customers, increased your revenue, raised your business profile, built business relationships, etc?
What strategies have you employed that garnered these results?
Social networking seems to be great for online businesses. Any advice on how brick and mortar businesses such as manufacturing companies, large and small retailers, hair salons, financial institutions, home health care companies, etc. might use social networking?
Please provide 1 to 3 tips on professional social networking etiquette (I will attribute tips to you). For example, I just saw someone post this response to someone's question: "So now you're a question spammer." Don't quite know what that is - I think it's constantly sending questions to people in your network. Anyway, any tips on how to use social networking without offending members?
Anything you'd like to add that I haven't asked?
About You:
Your name, title and business name
How many years in business
A sentence or two summarizing what you/your business does
Business URL
If you'd like to include a photo, please send one in jpeg format (compressed please).
Tentatively, I plan to publish this in my July 22nd issue. Sign up for my eZine at:
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